Friday 9 October 2015

I am Grateful for Jesus Christ

Day 20: I am Grateful for Jesus Christ. 

You may ask me, "Why are you Grateful for Jesus Christ?"
I am Grateful for Jesus Christ because he means a lot to me in my everyday life,
his atonement helps me to overcome sin, his atonement helps me to overcome death,
he is a great example to me (such as becoming a better leader to my fellow peers),
I know that he cares about me, I know that he knows about my personal needs,
I know that he knows how much pains, heartbreak, and sufferings hurts,
his atonement was to pay the price of everyone's sins, mistakes, etc
and many other reasons.
I think that Atonement applies to this post:
I would like to share with you in my own words for one of the things that I have learnt in Instiute in May, this year "We have choices to make in this life. Atonement is the center of everything. We still need to make the effort to forgive, change today!!!"

I also think that Forgiveness applies to this post too:
I encourage to think about this "Do not delay asking forgiveness tomorrow when you can ask forgiveness today, as to right now." in your own time and also think about how it applies to your life.

I always forgive others everyday and every night. I even forgive a few family members who wakes me up early in the mornings.

I encourage you to think about the following questions:
What is your understanding about Jesus Christ?
When was the last time that you thought about Jesus Christ?
Are you grateful for Jesus Christ in your everyday life?
When was the last time that you forgive someone?
Stay Tuned until next time.

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